The Valley Estates Association of Property Owners, Inc. is the governing body for a group of 126 properties commonly referred to as Valley Estates and is located in Weldon. California (Eastern Kern County). The monthly association dues are allocated for water service and maintenance of common areas and roadways.
March 18th meeting has been cancelled due to no quorum. A couple board members will not be able to attend. There is no new business so our next meeting will be held April,15th. The meeting will be held at 6:00PM at the Community Center located at 14213 Allen Ave., Weldon, CA 93283. All residents of the community are invited to attend.
First Point of Contact
Judy Gutierrez
(760) 299-3438
14316 Allen Ave.
Weldon, CA 93283-9638
(Payment Drop Box Located here)
The annual water quality report (Consumer Confidence Report) for the year 2023 is complete. It is on the CCR page. Click HERE to see the report. If you need a printed copy please call Judy at (760) 299-3438 to make delivery arrangements.
Do you have a friend or neighbor that lives alone and may need to be checked on periodically? The Kern County Sheriff’s Office has a program designed to assist those living alone. It is called “Are You Okay?” and is provided free of charge. To sign up or get more information click HERE to see their brochure.
We now accept PayPal for your association dues payments. You may pay with any credit card, checking or savings account associated with your PayPal account. Be sure to fill in your account number (lot number) to assure proper credit.